Fleur’s parents arrive for the wedding, and simple plans are made to celebrate Harry’s birthday, which falls the day before the ceremony. Hermione reveals that she has researched the problem of destroying Horcruxes using books stolen from Dumbledore’s office.

In which Molly Weasley loads Harry, Ron and Hermione up with wedding-preparation chores in an attempt to stop them from making plans to leave, while Ron and Hermione prove to Harry that they understand what’s involved in accompanying him and have taken steps to protect their families from retaliation. Harry then has a vision of Voldemort torturing Ollivander, seeking to know why using Lucius Malfoy’s wand did not solve the problem of being unable to defeat Harry Potter. In which the survivors make their way to the Burrow, learning that Mad-Eye was killed in the fight and George Weasley severely hurt, while Mundungus fled. Harry gives himself away by using the Disarming Charm, and he and Hagrid barely escape with their lives, crashing into the Tonks’ back garden. Upon getting airborne and splitting up, all of them are attacked, and Hedwig is soon killed. Six of them are to use Polyjuice Potion to act as decoy Harry Potters while seven act as protectors, which each protector/Potter pair heading to a different safe-house. In which Mad-Eye arrives with Ron, Hermione, and various Order members in tow, announcing a change in plans. In which Vernon Dursley is reluctant for the family to flee Privet Drive on Harry’s say-so, Harry explains the situation again, and Dudley talks sense. At the end of his packing, he notices an interview in the current day’s paper in which Rita Skeeter is talking about her upcoming tell-all biography, The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. In the process, he also sorts through the newspapers of the past few weeks to re-read and save Dumbledore’s obituary. In which Harry is preparing to leave Privet Drive, emptying his school trunk and packing a rucksack with the items most important to him. In which Snape reports to Voldemort the plans of the Order of the Phoenix to move Harry Potter from number four Privet Drive, Voldemort takes Lucius Malfoy’s wand, the Death Eaters gathered in Malfoy Manor make fun of Tonks’ marriage to a werewolf, and Voldemort kills Charity Burbage, the erstwhile Hogwarts Muggle Studies teacher. Changes in the text: There are no reported changes in the text since publication Reader’s Guide to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:Ī complete chapter-by chapter guide with notes and commentary.

Differences between the British and American versions.Day by day calendar of events in the book.The book was published in the US and the UK on 21 July 2007. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and last book in the series.